About the I.D.E.A Lab

for littles

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Read the full statement here

The I.D.E.A Lab for Littles is an online community that offers fun kid friendly resources for ​parents with young children and toddlers who are keen on incorporating Diversity, Equity, ​and Inclusion (DEI) principles into their children's upbringing.

By providing a wide range of engaging activities, informative materials, and valuable ​background information, I.D.E.A Lab for Littles strives to inspire connectivity and foster a ​sense of belonging among families.

At I.D.E.A Lab for Littles, parents can access a diverse collection of resources specifically ​designed to promote DEI awareness and understanding among young children. These ​resources include interactive activities, educational games, storybooks, and multimedia ​content that facilitate conversations about different cultures, races, abilities, and identities.

By utilizing the resources and community provided by I.D.E.A Lab for Littles, parents can ​inspire their children to embrace diversity, cultivate empathy, and develop a sense of ​belonging. The platform aims to empower parents with the tools and knowledge necessary ​to create a nurturing environment that celebrates individual differences and promotes ​inclusivity from an early age.

Join the I.D.E.A Lab for Littles today and embark on a journey towards fostering a more ​inclusive and connected future for our little ones.

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Science and Research Element Test Tube
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Buildable Theme Park
coming soon
american football


Handdrawn Loose Doodle Happy Man
Musical Key Notes
Freeform Halftone Yellow Bluetooth Headphones
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Happy Girl
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Spinning Ride
School Books
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Man


Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
coming soon


coming soon
Art Materials on a Table
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for littles

Let's Explore!

I.D.E.A Lab : December


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Let’s Exploring Cultural ​Celebrations!

Cultural Celebrations are are ​special times when people from ​different parts of the world come ​together to celebrate their unique ​traditions. Have you heard of ​Hanukkah, Christmas, or Kwanzaa? ​They're all special celebrations in ​December. Let's learn more about ​them and the fun things people do ​during these times.


for littles

Happy Everything!

December is a celebratory ​month, that features many ​different cultural celebrations!

Let’s Explore the different ​culrutla Celebrations that ​happen in December!

Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Winter holiday background

I.D.E.A Lab


for littles

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This is prime space! Use it to elaborate on ​your attention-grabbing section title. ​Explain what this section is about, share ​some details, and give just the right amount ​of information to get the audience hooked.


This is prime space! Use it to elaborate on ​your attention-grabbing section title. ​Explain what this section is about, share ​some details, and give just the right amount ​of information to get the audience hooked.


This is prime space! Use it to elaborate on ​your attention-grabbing section title. ​Explain what this section is about, share ​some details, and give just the right amount ​of information to get the audience hooked.

Winter holiday background

I.D.E.A Lab

December ACTIVITies

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for littles

Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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merry christmas design

Story Time!

I.D.E.A Lab Books!

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for littles

School Books
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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There is beauty of being unique and the power of including others.

Imagine going on a journey with ​colorful characters who are ​different from one another. You'll ​learn how they work together, ​respect each other, and become ​friends. These stories will show ​you the value of treating everyone ​with kindness and empathy, no ​matter how they look or where ​they come from.


Did you know that every person is special ​in their own way? It's true! We all have ​our own talents, interests, and things that ​make us who we are. And that's ​something to celebrate! But sometimes, it ​can be hard to understand why being ​different is so amazing.

So, the next time you're looking for a new book to read, why not choose one that teaches you about diversity?

You'll not only have a great tim​e reading, but you'll also lea​rn how to appreciate the uni​que qualities that make each per​son special. Get ready to emb​ark on amazing adventures and​ discover the true power of inc​lusivity!

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I.D.E.A Lab Books! Explore!

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for littles

School Books


Here are some of our favorite books for littles!


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50+ Children’s Books That Celebrate Diversity

See the list


Book of the Month!

Explore all of the different celebrations ​across the world in one book!


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Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Activity: I.D.E.A Lab Books

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for littles

Let the adventure begin, as we go on our journey together!

Visit the kids section at your local library!

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I.D.E.A Lab Music!

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for littles

Musical Key Notes
Freeform Halftone Yellow Bluetooth Headphones
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Expose Littles to songs in different languages.

It helps broaden their understanding of various cultures and promotes linguistic diversity.


Music and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) for Littles is an important and valuable combination.

It can promote understanding, empathy, and acceptance of diverse cultures, identities, and experiences.

Diverse Music Selection: Introduce children to a wide range of music styles, genres, and artists from various cultures and backgrounds.

Encourage Littles to explore music created by artists from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented communities.

Highlight musicians who have made significant contributions across different genres, backgrounds, and identities.

Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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I.D.E.A Lab Music! Explore!

for littles

Arrow Pointing Down Icon
Musical Key Notes
Freeform Halftone Yellow Bluetooth Headphones
Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Tune into our favorite songs by diverse singers, and or with DEI themes!


She is an iconic children’s performer, and she has been one of the genre’s leading voices for more than 50 years.

Song of the Month!

We love this song, because it has a good beat, and sends a positive message to all!

Doggyland & Snoop Dogg - Affirmation Song

Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Musical Key Notes
Freeform Halftone Yellow Bluetooth Headphones

Activity: I.D.E.A Lab Music

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for littles

Grab your little and dance and sing to traditional African songs!

Handdrawn Loose Doodle Ticket Booth
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Learn about Rain Sticks, and Make them with your Little!

Learn then MAKE

Hello, nice to meet you!

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Greetings, Friends!

As a mother, I am proud to hold the titles of Mom, Mommy, and Ma.

As the founder of this platform, I am delighted to share the invaluable ​resources my family has discovered while raising our beautiful biracial ​daughter.

Drawing on my professional experience in community and Diversity, ​Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), I recognize that navigating this path can be ​daunting for parents. That's why I established the I.D.E.A LAB for Littles ​– to provide a beacon of hope with resources on your individual ​journey!



Contact Information

Let's Chat!

Email me, lorose@lorosecreative.com

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Up

That’s Me! & ​My main ​squeeze

I.D.E.A Lab


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for littles

Here's a glossary of terms related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) that parents can use to expand their understanding and engage in conversations with your children